Monday, April 12, 2010

ALBUM DU JOUR #4: Jim Fassett "Hear the Animals Sing"

SpaceAgePop sez: "Jim Fassett will be remembered by space age pop fans for one amazing piece of work: his 1960 Columbia album, Symphony of the Birds. Working with CBS radio technician Mortimer Goldberg, Fassett painstakingly pieced together fragments from recordings of bird calls originally made in the field...By rerecording some of them faster or slower and then superimposing multiple playbacks onto one tape, Fassett and Goldberg wove together the results like an arrangement for symphony orchestra." That album's back in print, and an excerpt can be heard HERE, but I can't find out much about this album, except this article from a Brazilian site, which is great if you can read Portuguese. Still, it's clearly made using the same technique as Symphony of the Birds, with actual recordings of animals being made to "sing" popular songs. But this album has a child narrator, and undeniable sexual innuendos, which will have you laughing, cringing, or both.

Jim Fassett "Hear the Animals Sing"

I downloaded this years ago from who-knows-where, but am offering it here because it seems unavailable and forgotten. It's one 15 minute long file and I'm guessing that's because side two was just "other animal songs." So thanks to whoever!

Fassett used his long-running CBS radio show as a springboard for his sonic experiments, some of which were collected on his album "Strange To Your Ears," which you can hear HERE, courtesy of the ever-wonderful
Schadenfreudian Therapy blog.

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